On arrival at the Clinic for the first appointment, the patient will meet with a staff member for a brief orientation session and will be given various information about the Clinic, the staff, and the normal routine of the Clinic. A schedule will be set for treatment sessions starting that day.
This is a good opportunity for the Patient to ask questions. Patients are specifically encouraged to ask questions at any time. The doctors and other staff will welcome these questions. If the patient has a whole list of questions or wants to discuss some aspect of their treatment an appointment can be made to talk with a doctor. If it is a matter of a simple question or an emergency, then the patients should just go to the doctors’ office and ask.
The patient will then be given a general medical examination by one of the doctors. This is to ensure that the patient’s condition is as it was previously described on the application form and to ensure that there has not been any significant change in that condition since the application form was completed.
The Clinic is not a general treatment facility. In the application procedure the staff will dissuade prospective patients who are too frail or generally debilitated. The staff tries to ensure that prospective patients are strong enough to withstand the trip to the Clinic. The staff will seek to deter any patient who appears to require a level of care and attention that is not available at the Clinic and is not available nearby.
The treatment of acute or chronic, non-cancerous conditions is best dealt with at the patient’s home by doctors who are familiar with the patient’s history and have at hand the resources and facilities to provide the appropriate treatment.
Samples could be taken for a tumor marker test both now and in the discharge interview. The results of those test will be given to the Patient as soon as they are available.