Sint Maarten

The Green Meds Clinic


Dr Bus was born in Holland, obtained his M.D. from the University of  Groningen The Netherlands and added further studies in Sports medicine, Naturopathy, barometric treatments and Integrated Medicine.

Today, the integrative methods of Dr. Bus and his colleagues are helping patients locally and internationally. Dr. Bus, a cancer survivor himself, also assists those with cancer and autoimmune diseases to strengthen their treatments and curb symptoms with the help of natural medicine

Nurse Mekiba Brazier

Nurse Beatrix  Carniel

Dietician Berit

Optional Services

  • If the patient wishes additional programs are available to supplement the Vidamas treatment
  • Basic : Additional Medical advice about lifestyle and dietary advise with consulting dietician
  • Basic Plus: Medical advice and dietary program with dietician following up on the diet program with herbal treatment and information
  • Medical and dietary advice and training for the 5 days with delivery of one meal a day according to our standards

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Save also the file for your own records.