Beginning at least as early as 1979 it was shown that a pulsed magnetic field was capable of selectively destroying cancerous cells.
It has been shown that:
- a) the thermal threshold for cell death is 42- 43 degrees Celsius (1-3)
b) ferrous (iron) particles accumulate more in cancerous cells than in normal cells (4)
c) pulsed magnetic fields excite and heat particles sensitive to magnetic fields by hysteresis a form of vibration (2,3,4)
d) cancerous cells are thus killed without effect on the normal cells (1-4)
The Vidamas does not provide whole body hyperthermia. The problem with whole body hyperthermia, (an FDA approved therapy), is that it heats the whole body and the cells, cancerous and non-cancerous. Therapy should not involve killing or endangering healthy cells.
The Vidamas does not provide so-called “localized hyperthermia.” The use of “localized hyperthermia” (also FDA approved,) “localizes” the application of heat in various ways such as by inserting into the body invasive “heat ablation probes” or by attacking the tumor area with microwaves. But this only “localizes” the heat and that means that any normal cells which are exposed will be damaged or killed. Collateral damage, pain and suffering are the natural side effects and aftereffects of these “localized hyperthermia” therapies.
The Vidamas device uses pulsed magnetic fields to heat only cancerous cells to their temperature threshold from the inside of the cells – so that non-cancerous cells are not damaged and the consequence is that there is no collateral damage to healthy tissue.
However, tests on rats and other animals normally used high amounts of energy. The tests reported in 1979 (4) used a system of 30 kWs and treated the whole body of the subject.
It is common to most of the referenced tests that the subject was placed inside an annular ring composed of permanent magnets, electromagnets or a combination of these. The maximum diameter of such devices appears to have been in the order of no more than 15cms. The induction of the magnetic field at a coil center was calculated by Jordan A, and reported in 1993 (10). The formula shows an exponential decrease of inductive potential with the increase in the diameter of the coil.
Lacking any means for localising or targeting the effect, the scale up of such a system to treat a normal sized human might have required a system of up to 100,000 kWs. At such level of energy it is likely that the patient might suffer damage.
The Vidamas 400 instead offers a system that localises and targets the tumorous cells rather than drenching the entire patient in energy. This means that the energy applied is less than 6 Watts.
The energy system available from the Vidamas device is projected towards the tumor rather than attempting to surround the patient. The system depends for its efficiency on the use of:
- a) a complex array of permanent magnets
b) a variable but low power electromagnet
These two being contained in the “T” shaped Magnetic Projection Head”
c) a program-driven signal generator running through a discrete range of frequencies
Power to the signal generator and the electromagnet are variable based on an automated program.
The result of these combinations is a magnetic field pattern in which the resultant field is distorted so that it produces a projection which can be directed towards the tumor site.
In the Treatment Zone the lines of force are almost but not quite parallel. Within the primary treatment zone the effective gauss strength of the field is 20 – 40.
The programmed frequency induced into the Magnetic Projection Head acts to create an oscillation at right angles to the lines of force in these almost parallel lines of flux.
To the extent that a particular magnetic or paramagnetic particle in a cell is within the Treatment Zone it will tend to oscillate as the lines of flux oscillate. The hysteresis thus induced in the particle generates heat. The heat is contained within the cell by virtue of the insulating effect of the cell wall. The accumulation of heat in the cell eventually reaches 43 Celsius and cell death results.
This transfer of motion into heat is a very simple process. In a minor way it can be observed simply by rapidly stirring a glass of water. The water gets warmer.
Shortly after cell death the cell decays and the heated magnetic particles are released into the interstitial space where they quickly reach an equilibrium temperature closer to the normal body temperature and well below the threshold level of 42-45 degrees Celsius.
The specific frequency that is required to induce hysteresis in a particular particle cannot be foreseen because of the variances in the characteristics of the target particle.
The appropriate quantity of energy that will induce hysteresis in a particular particle is unknown because of variances in mass, density of the particle itself as well as that of the surrounding intracellular medium.
Accordingly, the power to the electromagnet, the frequency induced and the amplitude of the signal so induced are selectively randomized following the on-board programs.
The result of this randomization is an intrinsic inefficiency in that the device does not exert a linear time-denominated effect on a particular particle and hence the cell death cannot be accurately predicted. However, this inefficiency is countered by extending the length of treatment time. In many of the experiments listed in the referenced materials the course of therapy consisted of a single very high energy treatment with a duration of less than thirty minutes. The present device operates on a protocol consisting of very low energy in up to five three-hour treatments.
In a clinical environment, carefully maintained records indicate no incidence of adverse side effects or aftereffects.